Online Warranty Registration This page is for our mtlbbb customers who have purchased products with warranty.Customers can register product warranty as below: Warranty Registeration ___________ Registration Confirmation Shopping PlatformLazadaShopeeOrder ID *Please input your order number, you can open your app for either Shopee or Lazada and copy the order ID and paste hereReceived Date *Item Purchased9Plus Portable Monitor 13.3 1080P9Plus Portable Monitor 15.6 1080P9Plus Portable Monitor 13.3” 1080P Touch Screen9Plus Portable Monitor 14” 1080P Touch Screen9Plus Portable Monitor 15.6” 1080P Touch ScreenAcer Laptop Adaptor Round Pin 30*11 (Desk Type) 65WAcer (Liteon) Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Desk Type) 65WASUS Laptop Adaptor USB Round Pin 40135 (Wall Type) 65WASUS Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Wall Type) 65WDell Laptop Adaptor USB Type C Gen 4 (Desk Type) 65WDell Laptop Adaptor USB Type C Gen 5 (Desk Type) 65WDell Laptop Adaptor USB Type C Gen 4 (Desk Type) 90WDell Laptop Adaptor USB Type C Gen 4 (Desk Type) 130WHP Laptop Adaptor Round Pin 45*30 (Desk Type) 65WHP Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Desk Type) 65WHP Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Square Desk Type) 65WLenovo Laptop Adaptor Round Pin 40*17 (Desk Type) 65WLenovo Laptop Adaptor Round Pin 40*17 (Wall Type) 65WLenovo Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Desk Type) 65WLenovo Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Wall Type) 65WLenovo Laptop Adaptor USB Type C (Desk Type) 95WLenovo Laptop Adaptor Square Pin (Desk Type) 170WLenovo Laptop Adaptor Square Pin (Desk Type) 230WLenovo Laptop Adaptor Square Pin (Desk Type) 300WMicrosoft Laptop Adaptor Magnetic Head (Desk Type) 65WMicrosoft Bluetooth Keyboard Cover* The item description can be found on the label paste on the box when it is delivered.Serial No **The serial number can be found on your product label, you can use a QR / Barcode scanner to take down the serial number and paste it here.Your Name *Email Address *Phone Number RegisterPlease do not fill in this field.